UMHB Speech and Debate Team
The University of Mary Hardin-Baylor Speech and Debate Team, also known as Speech Cru, competes around Texas and around the nation in forensics competition. We participate in the 11 AFA individual events plus NFA-LD debate. Descriptions of these events are available under the events tab. Our team began in 2003 and has grown and been more successful each year.
I did not find Speech; it found me. It showed up unexpectedly and swept me off my feet. It has allowed me to meet the most gifted, extraordinary people; travel and see incredible places; and reach, learn, and grow beyond myself. Truly, it is one of the best life experiences I have ever had.
Starr Rivers
Speech Cru Member

Starr Rivers
Speech Cru Member
Contact Information
Kathy Owens • Director of Forensics • (254) 295-5512
900 College Street, Box 8012A • Belton, TX 76513
Page last updated April 29, 2024